Wednesday, February 24, 2010

$100 Target Gift Card Giveaway !!

I am excited to announce our very 1st giveaway! My blog will soon be celebrating it’s 2nd birthday and to celebrate this milestone we are giving away a $100 Target Gift Card.

How to Enter?

Enter a comment with your favorite money saving tip. Be sure to include your name I need to be able to contact you if you are the winner!)

Additional Entries (Up to 5 additional entries):

- Blog about this giveaway.

- Subscribe to our RSS feed either in a reader or by Email. (You wouldn’t want to miss any future giveaways right? :) ) If you already are a subscriber, just leave a comment saying you are already a reader.

– Email 5 friends about this giveaway and let me know in the comment section about this.

It is very important that you leave a separate comment for each additional extra entry.

A winner will be chosen by random number generator. The giveaway ends on Feb 28th, 2010 around 6 pm EST. (As long as you can still comment you can enter!) Winner, chosen by, will be announced on the blog and I will contact you shortly thereafter. (Winner must respond to my email within 48 hours or I will pick another winner.)

If you like these deals subscribe HERE to get Free daily updates delivered right to your Mailbox!


goldengodess said...

My favorite money saving tip is to try to shop on Sundays and match the sales w/ coupons and gift cards if you have any! :D

One Frugal Lady said...

My best money saving tip... only go shopping once a week, and only get things that you actually need, and use coupons!

Leandrea said...

My favorite money saving tip is to use coupons and shop sales. Those two things together add up to HUGE savings!

Sarah in MO said...

Be patient and wait for sales. I also try to use cash back sites as much as possible for online purchases.

Thanks for the giveaway

Sarah said...

My favorite tip, and what I use to get us in line, is tracking our every penny spent in an app. It keeps track of what the budget is, and where we stand vs. it.

Jamie said...

My tip is too collect coupons from family and friends. So many people never use the coupons for products you always buy and usually don't mind saving them for you!

Happy 2 to your blog!

Jill said...

My money saving tip is to stick to a budget and always use cash. If you don't have it, you won't spend it.

Pat said...

Use coupons for items that are on sale to get the lowest price. Also, go to stores where they double your coupons.

a boy a girl and a pug said...

would love to win! my favorite money saving tip is to shave my legs with a cheap conditioner...does just as good a job as shaving cream, but way cheaper!

Tish said...

I'm a new email subscriber. Glad to have found you! :)

lettie1978 at gmail dot com

Deanna said...

My favorite money saving tip is: Make a list & stick to it! It always works for me :)

Tish said...

It's simple I guess, but when I'm shopping, I always ask myself, "Do I need this right now?" Often, I don't...I'm not out of that product (shampoo, toilet paper, etc). I have a bad/good habit of thinking way ahead. When I only buy what I need, I come out of the store with a receipt that isn't so painful. :)

Aubrie Olsen said...

I absolutely love my coupons. Matching them with awesome sales is the best way to save!!!!!!

Aubrie Olsen said...

I am an email subscriber. Thanks!!

bepoia said...

If it is not on sale; don't buy it.
Is my best money saving tip

Anonymous said...

I wash almost everything in cold water.

Lynn said...

Compare worth to the price! It might be a $1 but is it really worth it?

Unknown said...

My favorite money saving tip...

Buy a lot of a product when it's on sale (if it's a product you use).

Like peanut butter. It lasts a long time. So if it's on sale, buy a 6 month supply.


MisKaren1 said...

My favorite tip to save money at the grocery store is to wait for sales, especially on meat, then stock up!

Bonus savings when you can get to the store early enough to snag the almost expired meat the butcher has marked down! I'm only going to freeze it anyway!

MisKaren1 said...

I also subscribed to your feed via my email RSS reader. :) Thanks for the tips!

Daniella said...

My favorite money saving tip is if you don't need it you're not saving money!

Daniella said...

I now subscribe!

Daniella said...

I've emailed 5 friends (and more!)

Anonymous said...

I suscribed to your feed by Google Reader!

Anonymous said...

My favorite way to save money is on clothing and toys, I always buy clearance, and I always buy clothing at the end of season for next year!

Anonymous said...

I e-mailed 5 friends telling them to come over for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I am now following you on Twitter =D

Karen said...

I emailed five friends

Karen said...

I match my coupons to the sales. I also like to shop at Walgreens where you can use the store coupons and manufacturers coupons at the same time.

Kim said...

One of my money saving tips is to buy DDs shoes from I can choose a clearance shoe for as little a $10, apply a 10% off coupon then get free shipping and zero tax. You can't beat a $9 croc!

kristin said...

I always go when super markets are marking down produce which is early morning or in the evening !

Anonymous said...

I usually try to combine sales with coupons. But when money is tight, I try to stay away from the store unless I need something.
miamichickens at yahoo dot com

mommy2_5 said...

Don't go shopping hungry! I always buy too much if I haven't eaten before I go...

mommy2_5 said...

I'm a brand new subscriber!

mamachrista said...

My favorite money saving tip is to cut my dryer sheets in thirds. They still do the job, but they last THREE time slonger!!